IIW 2018 Annual Report
Service awards pay tribute to the distinguished voluntary service and leadership of the Chairs of IIW WUs through their terms of office. This year special acknowledgement was given to five people who completed their terms of office during this Annual Assembly: Dr Eric Sjerve (Canada), Dr Wolfgang Zschiesche (Germany), Prof. Yoshinori Hirata (Japan), Prof. Dr-Ing. Volker Schoeppner and Dr Warren Miglietti (USA). Service awardees from left Yoshinori Hirata, Eric Sjerve, Wolfgang Zschiesche and Warren Miglietti
During the week, Dr Damian Kotecki received a 40-year Attendance Award, a further six people received awards for 20 years of attendance at Annual Assemblies, and 10-year Attendance Awards were made to another 15 people.
Dr Stephen Liu (USA); Mr Chris Smallbone (Aus- tralia) recognising their outstanding contributions to welding. ARTHUR SMITH AWARD Sponsored by the Swedish Delegation.
The IIW Annual Awards, presented during the Opening Ceremony, recognise those people who have made significant contributions to the global welding and joining industry and the IIW, and pay tribute to the extraordinary achievements of the eminent individuals in whose honour many of the IIW Awards were named. WALTER EDSTRÖM MEDAL Sponsored by the Swedish Delegation.
Conferred upon an individual who, over numerous years, has given dedicated service to the objectives of IIW, particu- larly in the work of the Com- missions.
Lauds an individual who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and contributions to the advancement of the IIW as an organisation The professional career of
The research interests of Dr Patrick W. Hocha- nadel (USA) include electron beam welding, laser beam welding and Additive Manufacturing. He is a member of the IIW Editorial Board as an Associate Editor for Welding in the World and has served as US Delegate and Secretary of C-IV Power Beam Processes for several years. IIW REGIONAL ACTIVITIES AWARD Sponsored by the IIW.
Dr Damian Kotecki (USA) was mainly devoted to research and development in welding filler me- tals and he joined C-II Arc Welding and Filler Me- tals in 1978, serving as Chair from 1990 to 2003, continuing to participate to the present. He ser- ved on the IIW Board of Directors as Member, Vice President and then Treasurer and is a Fellow of IIW. Throughout his 40 years of involvement with IIW, Kotecki has actively demonstrated his com- mitment to the Mission and Goals of IIW through numerous roles at all levels of governance and strategic development. IIW FELLOW Recognises individuals within IIW who have made distinguished contributions to welding science and technology and promoted and sustained the profes- sional stature of the field.
Conferred on a outstanding individual who has made a significant contribution to improving the global quality of life through optimum use and innovation of welding and joining technologies in their region or internationally.
Dr-Ing. Vencislav Grabulov (Serbia) has been a driving force for the promotion of welding tech- nology and the improvement of quality of life in Serbia and the South-East European Region. From 2003, together with colleagues from re- gional countries, he has been intimately involved in organising three successful IIW International Congresses and many regional workshops and conferences, and the establishment and growth of the very successful South-East European Network (SEENET) for welding technology transfer. THOMAS MEDAL Sponsored by the American Welding Society. Rewards an individual who has been involved in IIW/ISO international standards activities and can deliver a lecture on the incorporation of global stu- dies into the standardisation for welding technolo- gies.
Chris Smallbone (left), Stephen Liu (second from right) and Zhili Feng (right) awarded as IIW Fellows by Stephan Egerland, Chair TMB Four outstanding individuals were honoured by Mr Stephan Egerland, Chair of the TMB. These were Dr Stan David (USA); Dr Zhili Feng (USA);
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