IIW 2018 Annual Report
at the end of 2019 and steps were put forward to address these. Outgoing Directors and members of the Technical Management Board (TMB) were thanked, and new members welcomed. The finan- cial figures were presented and the budget and membership discussed and approved, with agree- ment reached on fees for the coming year. Member Society delegates at the General Assembly
GENERAL ASSEMBLY The General Assembly, held on 15 July 2018 and at- tended by 37 IIW Member Countries, saw the adop- tion of a new 5-year Strategic Plan, Vision State- ment and Mission discussed on page 9. It was also noted that both the current IIW General Secretariat and IIW IAB Secretariat contracts were coming due
TECHNICAL OUTCOMES At the grass roots level of the Institute, the Techni- cal Working Units (WUs), chaired by experts from around the world, play an essential role in develo- ping and delivering the IIW technical programme. The growing importance to industry of the field of Additive Manufacturing was confirmed through pre- sentations and discussion at meetings of the WUs during the first four days of the Assembly. A full- day joint meeting on this topic drew close to 90 ex- perts from five different IIW WUs, which highlighted the strength of the Institute’s global collaborative model of operation – bringing together a broad cross-section of the most well-informed people, from the welding and related industries and associated research, academic and educational establishments around the world. In other meetings, some exciting insights were given into the huge field of Industry 4.0 - the name given to the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. It is envisioned that, with the ever-increasing use of automation in welding, this will become a hot topic within IIW. Technology diffusion in action at Working Unit meetings “First steps are already initiated to deal with the subject of Industry 4.0 in appropriate depth and to make IIW the leading organisation in the world for this topic in welding and joining.” Mr Stephan Egerland (Austria), IIW Technical Management Board Chair
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE The 2018 International Conference, run in conjunc- tion with the Annual Assembly to optimise interac- tion between international experts and the local organisations, industry and educational sector, had the theme of ‘Advanced Welding and Smart Fabrica- tion Technologies for Efficient Manufacturing Pro- cesses’. An outstanding keynote Houdremont Lecture on ‘Recent Trends and Challenges in Fabrication of In- donesian Heavy Equipment Industry’ presented by Mr Pratjojo Dewo , President Director of PT Komat- su Indonesia Tbk, was one of 97 oral and 30 poster presentations made over the two days.
International Conference brought world experts to Indonesia
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