IIW 2018 Annual Report
CATEGORY A – The Development of Consumables
Mr Jérôme Dietsch (France) has been an active member of IIW C-VI Terminology since 2008. He has been the French Delegate to the IIW Working Group on Standardi- sation and a number of wel-
Mr Deok-Sang Yoo (Republic of Korea) com- menced his career as a Welding Engineer in the Korean shipbuilding industry, later becoming the CEO and Director of the ESAB SeAH Welding Re- search Institute, pioneering the production of flux cored welding wire in Korea. His work enhanced industrial competitiveness in heavy industries, particularly with the development of high perfor- mance welding materials and new manufacturing technologies. 2017 WELDING IN THE WORLD BEST PAPER AWARD Sponsored by the IIW
ding-related CEN and ISO Technical Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups. He has been Chair of ISO/TC 44/SC 7 Representation and Terms since the beginning of 2018. YOSHIAKI ARATA AWARD Sponsored by the Japanese Delegation.
To an individual whose ex- traordinary achievements in fundamental research in wel- ding-related science and tech- nology have been recognised as significant contributions to the progress of welding en- gineering.
A research, industrial or aca- demic best paper selected from amongst all papers pu- blished in six issues of the Welding in the World journal in the calendar yeau prior to the award.
Prof. Dr-Eng. Ian Richardson (Netherlands) one of the three Editors of the journal, presented the award. Dr Y. Ogino, Prof. Y. Hirata & Prof. S. Asai (Japan) ‘Numerical simulation of metal transfer in pulsed-MIG welding ’ . HENRY GRANJON PRIZE Sponsored by the Institut de Soudure (France). Rewards a young professional or student for an outstanding paper devoted to research into welding and related technolo- gies. Mr Philippe Leca, represen- ting the French Welding Institute, this year pre- sented prizes in three categories. CATEGORY A – Joining and Fabrication Technolo- gy won by Dr Jinle Zeng (P.R. China) for his paper ‘Research on machine vision detection method for real-time path control in wirefeed additive ma- nufacturing and multi-pass/multi-layer welding process’. CATEGORY B – Materials Behaviour and Weldabi- lity, won by Dr-Ing. Peer Woizeschke (Germany) for his paper ‘Interfacial analysis of laser joined hybrid aluminum titanium seams in the submicro- meter range’. CATEGORY C – Design and Structural Integrity, won by Dr Kyle Tousignant (Canada) for his paper ‘Fillet welds around circular hollow sections’.
Prof. Yoshinori Hirata (Japan) has dedicated him- self to the understanding of welding phenomena associated with gas shielded arc welding pro- cesses in order to realise reliable welding quality with high productivity. He has conducted outstan- ding research on arc plasma, metal transfer and weld pool phenomena, which have significantly impacted the evolution of practical arc welding processes. EVGENY PATON PRIZE Sponsored by the National Welding Commitee of the Ukraine and the E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute.
For significant contribution to science and technology through a lifetime dedication to applied research and deve- lopment in advanced techno- logies, materials and equip- ment for welding and allied processes.
Prof. Dr-Ing. Uwe Reisgen (Germany) has publi- shed nearly 250 research articles and currently supervises projects on precision melt enginee- ring, welding of steel and cooling time in steel arc welds. He has been a member of the Directorate of the DVS Committee for Technical Guidelines since 2013 and the DVS Presidium since 2016. As German Delegate to C-II Arc Welding Processes and Production Systems he has contributed signi- ficantly to its work since 2008. HALIL KAYA GEDIK AWARD Sponsored by the Turkish Delegation
Recognises a scientist or en- gineer’s significant contribu- tions to the advancement wel- ding science and technology.
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