IIW 2018 Annual Report
C-XVIII / Quality Management in Welding and Allied Processes / Mr Robert Shaw , President Steel Structures Technloogy Center, Inc. - USA
gy and democratisation of knowledge throughout the world. SG-RES fora include meetings held during the IIW Annual Assemblies as well as IIW Wel- ding Research and Collaboration Col- loquia, seven of which have now been held in different countries and regions. SG-212 / Physics of Welding / Prof. Manabu Tanaka , joining and Welding Researcch Institute, Osaka University - Japan The Study Group 212 meeting in Bali was focused weld pool through ‘visualisations’ of the phenomena. In particular, visualisations based on 2D/3D measurements and numerical simulations were presented with excellent discussion which provi- ded us with insight into the mechanisms of the phenomena. A total of 33 papers were presented at the SG-212 meetings including a joint meeting on Additive Ma- nufacturing with Commissions I, IV, VII and XII. Finally, six documents from the regular meeting of SG-212 were recom- mended for publication in the IIW journal Welding in the World . WORKING GROUP STANDARDISATION / Mr Mathias Lundin , CEO at Swedish Welding Commission – Sweden on precise un- d e r s t a n d i n g of the welding arc, metal transfer and standards in the field of welding and re- lated processes. In this way, the body of knowledge evolved through IIW can be formalised and made available to indus- try to promote quality and harmony on a global basis. The working programme of WG-STAND includes 41 standardisation projects in eight Working Units; there are current- ly 11 standardisation drafts in different stages; two systematic reviews (confir- med in 2018); and seven ISO standards published in 2018, which are: •ISO 18785-1:2018 Friction stir spot wel- ding -- Aluminium -- Part 1: Vocabulary •ISO 18785-2:2018 Friction stir spot wel- ding -- Aluminium -- Part 2: Design of weld joints •ISO 18785-3:2018 Friction stir spot wel- ding -- Aluminium -- Part 3: Qualifica- tion of welding personnel The IIW is an international standardising body approved by the Interna- tional Organi- zation for Stan- d a r d i z a t i o n (ISO) to develop
•ISO 18785-4:2018 Friction stir spot welding -- Aluminium -- Part 4: Spe- cification and qualification of welding procedures •ISO 18785-5:2018 Friction stir spot wel- ding -- Aluminium -- Part 5: Quality and inspection requirements •ISO 8249:201 Welding -- Determination of Ferrite Number (FN) in austenitic and duplex ferritic-austenitic Cr-Ni stainless steel weld metals •ISO 3690:2018 Welding and allied pro- cesses -- Determination of hydrogen content in arc weld metal •ISO 14346:2013 Static design procedure for welded hollow-section joints -- Re- commendations •ISO 6847:2013 Welding consumables -- Deposition of a weld metal pad for chemical analysis. TASK GROUP YOUNG LEADERS / Mr Enest D. Levert, Lockhead Martin - USA Two special vities was encouraged through regular newsletters leading up to the event, as well as a ‘passport’ to gather endorse- ment for attending Working Unit mee- tings, the Trade and Poster Exhibitions, and other activities. Lighter highlights of the Young Professional programme included an icebreaker event and beach party with Indonesian games including a tug of war. These team building acti- vities helped young professionals and students network and get to know each other, to meet international experts, Commission Chairs, IAB members, Board of Directors members, and to build lasting international friendships and professional cooperation. The 2019 Annual Assembly will repeat these two main events for young pro- fessionals and students based on the positive feedback received. TG-YL will focus in the coming year on establi- shing mentoring opportunities and IIW Student Chapters. There will be several Young Professionals events taking place in IIW Member Counties over the next year. You are encouraged to attend one of these programmes in your country and get together and meet each other so we grow the next generation of IIW professionals and leaders. Your recom- mendations are always welcomed. Young Profes- sional events were held du- ring the 2018 Annual Assem- bly, and parti- cipation in all the week’s acti-
C omm i s s i o n XVIII, former- ly a Select C o m m i t t e e S C - Q U A L , maintains the goal to identify, create, develop and transfer
global best practices in the field of qua- lity management for welding and allied processes. The group focuses on quality management systems and the requi- rements for personnel and companies involved in welding and allied processes. It also develops guidelines on the imple- mentation of quality standards, for exa- mple, ISO 3834 Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials. At present, Commission XVIII members are: •updating the document Improving the quality and effectiveness of welding by utilising the standard ISO 3834 (SC- QUAL-145r4-10); •preparing recommendations for audi- tor requirements involved with the cer- tification of companies; •preparing comparative studies of crite- ria for fabricator company audits; •preparing ISO/CD 22688 jointly with Commission XVII; •preparing a draft ISO standard on Wel- ding inspection – Tasks and responsi- bilities. Commission XVIII looks to undertake new tasks that will exchange knowledge between technical experts, quality ma- nagers and production personnel using welding and allied processes, and thus acts as an interdisciplinary body for the IIW. SG-RES / Welding Research Strategy and Collaboration / Prof. Americo Scot- ti , University West (Högskolan Väst), De- partment of Engineering Science - Swe- den This Study
Group, in gene- ral, promotes discussions on what different countries are doing or plan- ning to do in research on
welding and allied techniques, with the aim of linking potential collabora- tors and sponsors, particularly young researchers. The group also promotes new methodologies and techniques for research and explores potential new spin-offs. Collaboration amongst re- searchers from the same and different counties is the goal, with the outcome of improvement in welding technolo-
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