IIW 2018 Annual Report
C-XI / Pressure Vessels, Boilers and Pipelines / Mrs Teresa Melfi , Technical Fellow, R&D, The Lincoln Electric Co. – USA
science-based guidelines to disseminate our work. Staff and structural changes of some significance were implemented this year across several working groups. C-XIV / Education and Training / Mr Carl J. Peters , Director of Global Educational, The Lincoln Electric Company - USA
so Commission XVI still remains one of the smaller groups of IIW. There were in total 11 technical paper presentations in the fields of polymer welding and adhe- sive bonding. The delegates were from Germany, Slovakia, USA, Sweden, Italy, P.R. China and the Experts and Obser- vers were from Germany, Australia, and R. Korea – an excellent cross section of countries to share knowledge and exper- tise in this field. C-XVII / Brazing, Soldering and Diffusion Bonding/ Dr Warren Miglietti President of Miglietti and Associates – USA
The Commis- sion continued to focus on some of the most pres- sing material issues in the reliability and cost of pipe-
2018 Commis- sion XIV ac- tivities were relevant and fun; sharing our collective knowledge for the betterment of everyone. If
lines and pressure vessels produced using low alloy, stainless, and creep strength enhanced ferritic steels. High productivity welding processes were again addressed, including their effect on material properties, residual stress and potential defects. International wel- ding codes and standards used to regu- late the final material properties were discussed and inspection techniques and failure analysis of operating systems were presented. C-XII / Arc Welding Processes and Pro- duction Systems / Prof. Satoru Asai , Osaka University – Japan
Our meeting in Bali at the An- nual Assembly was predomi- nantly attended by members of the Chinese Delegation and German Dele-
you enjoy learning new things from ex- citing presenters from all over the globe then you had fun attending our meetings. With a combination of the intermediate meeting in Paris and the Annual Assem- bly meetings in Bali, we had 21 presen- ters from 15 different countries share their passion for welding. Each presen- tation was very relevant to the attendees and the countries represented at the meetings as they focused on the Com- mission XIV themes of Blended Lear- ning, Digital Learning, Image of Welding/ Career Pathways, Advanced Trainers, In- dustry 4.0 and National Qualification and Certification programmes. C-XV / Design, Analysis and Fabrication of Welded Structures / Mr Stefano Botta , Italian Institute of Welding - Italy
gation. Therefore it is very apt that the incoming chair of Commission XVII, who is Dr Huaping Xiong (P.R. China) and the incoming vice chair, Dr Simon Jahn (Ger- many), lead this Commission forward for the future. Dr Warren Miglietti now leaves the chair after forming this Com- mission in 2008. Attendance varied from 30 on Monday and Tuesday, down to 17 on Wednesday. The meeting on Monday was a Joint Meeting with Commission VII to discuss areas of common interest in microjoining and nanojoining. On Tues- day the Commission met for the whole day as a result of many presentations received; whereas on Wednesday, the meeting was just in the afternoon. There was also a lunchtime joint meeting with Commission XVIII to work on moving forward ISO/CD 22688:2017(E) Brazing -- Quality requirements for brazing of metallic materials to ISO for DIS ballot, as a Route II Document. A successful in- termediate meeting was held in October at the Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Materials Science and Tech- nology.
The Commis- sion’s meetings in Bali focused on the appli- cation of new arc welding processes and production sys- tems to various
The Commis- sion is coo- perating with other Working Units in order to share each one’s specific knowledge. The goal for the fu-
fabrication fields. In particular, papers on the Internet of Things, sensing and mo- nitoring technology, high efficiency wel- ding processes and high quality welding process were presented and discussed. Members participated in a joint meeting of Commissions I, IV, VII, XII, and Study Group 212 on the subject of Additive Ma- nufacturing with excellent discussions. In total, 33 papers were presented, and 14 documents were recommended for publi- cation in Welding in the World . C-XIII / Fatigue of Welded components and Structures / Prof. Kenneth A. Mac- Donald , University of Stavanger | Statoil ASA - Norway
ture is to seek more involvement in the Commission and its activities by indus- try and to promote the production of more technical documents based on the group’s significant experience in fabri- cation and erection of structures both in the workshop and in the field. C-XVI / Polymer Joining and Adhesive Technology / Prof. David Grewell , Iowa State University - USA
Our meetings place emphasis on new scientific results, design challenges and the application of established and innovative technologies to
This Commis- sion promotes the develop- ment and dis- semination of f undamen t a l and applied k n o w l e d g e to joining of
avoid fatigue failures inwelded structures. Joint activities continue to be held with other Working Units on allied topics. The Commission also strives to foster young researchers, offering a supportive forum for discussion. We continue to develop
polymers, Additive Manufacturing, adhe- sives as well as joining of dissimilar ma- terials to polymers. The annual meeting took place at the Annual Assembly in Bali, and was attended by 20 members,
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