IIW 2018 Annual Report
LEARNING Education, Training, Qualification and Certification
GOAL: To identify, develop and implement the IIW Education, Training, Qualification and Certification programmes on a global basis
The International Authorisation Board (IAB) pro- gramme covers three areas: personnel, compa- nies and the international welding community. The IAB is constantly working to enhance the systems it manages - the harmonised qualifica- tion and certification system for personnel and the certification system for companies - and adapt them both to technological advances and market needs.Through its members worldwide, the IAB works continuously towards the interests of the international welding community and their development. By certifying welding personnel with coordination responsibilities, qualifying
skilled personnel at all levels, and developing a harmonised scheme for company welding quality certification according to ISO 3834, the IIW programme responds to industry needs.
IIW certificates and diplomas issued in 2018
IAB – Members ANBs ANBCCs
IAB – Management Team
Group A Education, Training and Qualification
Group B Implementation, Authorisation and Certification
Peer and Lead Assessors
MESSAGE FROM THE IAB CHAIR AND CEO In a fast-moving and evolving industry, the IAB continued to make progress towards an effec- tive system to support the welding industry in the education and training of its workforce. Our goal is to deliver all the necessary knowledge and skills for personnel and for companies. 2018 was a year of accomplishments, and one of them was the definition and approval by IAB Members of a strategy aligned with the overall IIW strategy. The implementation of the agreed actions will reinforce the work of the IAB in sup- porting the welding industry through education, training, and certification of welding person- nel and companies. By doing so, we will keep contributing to a competitive industry.
IIW-IAB Chair: Mr Christian Ahrens (Germany) IIW-IAB CEO: Mrs Rute Ferraz (Portugal)
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