IIW Annual Report 2021
IIW AND THE EUROPEAN WELDING FEDERATION (EWF) COOPERATE IN THE IMPLEMENTATION, PROMOTION, AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING QUALIFICATION SYSTEM (IAMQS) The Additive Manufacturing (AM) market continues to rise, with more new companies using AM, more investment made, and a higher number of products designed for AM being released to the market, a trend that is predicted to evolve in coming years. This rise is clear when it comes to the use of metal AM technology, but it is also becoming clearer for polymer technologies. However, due to a fragmented training and education offering, which does not cover all levels of education, there is a lack of much needed skilled professionals and at the same time no international recognition of those professionals. The International Additive Manufacturing Qualification System (IAMQS) was created by industry and for industry to ensure that companies and professionals are equipped with the right set of skills to implement AM at the industrial level. Due to the engagement with various AM stakeholders operating in the global market, in close connection
with standards requirements and with the support of EU funds, IAMQS has been able to build qualifications that are an added value to the sector and to the individuals involved in the system: Authorised Nominated Bodies (ANBs), Authorised Training Bodies (ATBs), students and industry. It started by focusing on metal AM and is broadening its scope for the development of training guidelines for polymers, ensuring a full alignment with industry requirements and technological breakthroughs, IAMQS currently offers 12 qualifications in AM that have already been implemented in seven countries and the number is rapidly growing. IIW has recently joined EWF in the development of the system with the objective of creating a global network of qualification and
training institutions across the world. For more information please visit: https://www.ewf.be/qualification/iamqs.aspx
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