IIW Annual Report 2021
Group A ‘Education, Training and Qualification’ is responsible to: • Develop and revise the Qualification Guidelines, Alternative Route rules and requirements and deal with Blended Learning Programmes; • Develop and manage the harmonised examinations. Technical approval of the IAB Guidelines is the responsibility of Group A. Group B ‘Implementation, Authorisation and Certification’ is responsible to: • Develop, maintain and revise the Rules and Operational Procedures for implementing the Qualification Guidelines and the Certification Systems; • Grant and confirm authorisations of Authorised Nominated Bodies (ANBs) and Authorised Nominated Bodies for Company Certification (ANBCCs); • Approve Access Conditions, Transition Arrangements and Blended Learning Programmes; • Appoint Assessors. Technical approval of the IAB Rules and Operating procedures is the responsibility of Group B.
IAB Peer, Blended and Lead Assessors are Experts of the IIW-IAB qualification and certification systems and are responsible for assessing ANBs and ANBCCs against the IIW-IAB Rules.
2021 HIGHLIGHTS FROM GROUP A Scope: Education, Training and Qualification During 2021 the key activities of the IAB Group A were:
• Development and approval of the first sets of harmonised written examinations for International Welding Inspector at Basic, Standard and Comprehensive levels; • Development of Practical examinations for International Welding Inspector; • Review and development of questions used on the harmonised examinations for the levels International Welding Engineer (IWE)/Technologist (IWT) and International Welding Specialist (IWS)/Practitioner (IWP). Documents Revised and Developed under IIW-IAB Group A Guidelines: • IAB-348r2-21 - Guideline for International Mechanised, Orbital and Robot Welding Personnel • Harmonised examinations, new and revised questions.
MR HORIA DASCAU IIW-IAB Group A Chair (Romania)
2021 HIGHLIGHTS FROM GROUP B Scope: Implementation, Authorisation and Certification During 2021 the key activities of the IAB Group B were:
• Development of the Certification System for Welding Inspectors; • Analysis for the implementation of digital diplomas/certificates; • Analysis for the implementation of a centralised database of personnel diplomas/ certificates. Documents Revised and Developed under IIW-IAB Group B • IAB-339r6-21 – Rules for the ANBCCs Operating the IIW Manufacturer Certification System; Updating of specific rules due to the pandemic allowing the use of remote auditing of ANBs, ANBCCs, ATBs and companies under llW Manufacturers Certification System. DR STEFANO MORRA IIW-IAB Group B Chair (Italy)
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