IIW 2018 Annual Report
C-I / Additive Manufacturing, Surfacing and Ther- mal Cutting / Ing. Doug Kautz , Group Leader at Los Alamos National Laboratory - USA
ding, solid state welding and allied joining pro- cesses. In recent years, topics have included joining of dissimilar thin sheet materials, joining in automotive industries, computer simulation of joining processes and friction stir welding, inclu- ding both modelling and weldability. The Working Unit also assists in the formulation and prepara- tion of new International Standards, with a view to encouraging and supporting a safe, healthy and environment-friendly world. C-IV / Power Beam Processes / Dr Herbert Staufer , Team Leader High Power Welding at Fronius – Austria
The Commission held three well attended ses- sions during the year, two of which were joint meetings. The first joint meeting included members from Com- missions I, IV, VII, XII, and Study Group-212 and the second included
Commissions I, V, X and XII experts and dele- gates. On average, meetings were attended by around 100 persons from 20 different countries. Joint meetings optimise access to a broad range of knowledge and bring together new ideas in overlapping topics and current issues. A ‘super’ joint session on Additive Manufacturing is being considered, with this topical subject reflected in Sub-Commission name changes, such as SC-C being renamed Directed Energy Deposition Ad- ditive Manufacturing and Surfacing and SC-F Powder Bed Additive Manufacturing and Related Processes. C-II / Arc Welding and Filler Metals / Dr Gerhard Posch , Vice President of Knowledge & Data Ma- nagement and Vice President of the Welding Aca- demy at Voestalpine Böhler – Austria
In the Joint Meeting of Commissions I, IV, VII, XII and Study Group 212 in Bali this year, 15 papers concerning Additive Ma- nufacturing were pre- sented and discussed, while more than 128 participants attended the
meeting. The research work focused mainly on laser beam processes with powder or wire, TIG hot-wire and GMAW processes. There were no- table presentations on the concept and validation of a near-immersion active cooling approach for Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing and a mul- ti-sensor monitoring methodology for Additive Manufacturing. C-V / Non-destructive Testing and Quality Assu- rance of Welded Products / Dr Eric Sjerve , Chief Technology Officer at IRISNDT – Canada
High-strength filler me- tals and hydrogen in weld metal continue to be key issues in Commission II activities, along with nickel-based fillers for joining and for cladding. Metallurgical interest in the constitution of addi- tive manufactured mate-
Commission V has spe- cialist groups devoted to the following fields: radiographic weld ins- pection; ultrasonic weld inspection; elec- tric, magnetic and op- tical weld inspection; Non-destructive Testing
rial is significantly increasing and links in with the work being done in other Working Units on Additive Manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing is regarded as a transformative approach to industrial produc- tion that enables the creation of lighter, stronger parts and systems. C-III / Resistance Welding, Solid State Welding and Allied Joining Processes / Dr-Ing. Jorge Dos Santos , Head of Department, Solid State Joining Processes, HZG Institute of Materials Research - Germany
(NDT) reliability including simulation; and struc- tural health monitoring. Recent successes of the Commission include: publication of ISO standards in the areas of phased array calibration block de- sign, metal magnetic memory and guided wave testing; publication of digital reference radio- graphs; publication of Booklets in the areas of validation of NDT simulation, model assisted pro- bability of detection studies and structural health monitoring; publication of IIW Handbooks in the areas of automated ultrasonic testing and phased array ultrasonic testing; and formation of a wor- king group to address pre-standardisation for full matrix capture ultrasonic testing. At the 2018 Annual Assembly Commission V participated in a joint session with three other IIW Commissions on Additive Manufacturing.
Commission III provi- des a unique forum for open discussion, where highly-competent in- ternational experts ex- change scientific and technical information and transfer knowledge about resistance wel-
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