IIW 2018 Annual Report
Through their leadership the chairs of IIW Working Units voluntarily share their knowledge, experience and resources to make excellent contributions to the vibrancy and productivity of the Working Units, the progress of IIW and the promotion of welding around the world. Spotlight on Incoming Chairs
Since 2014 Dr Marc Kreutzbruck (Germany) has held the chair for Non-des- tructive Testing at the University of Stuttgart and has been head of the Institut für Kunststofftechnik (IKT). He is chair and member of many NDT-related ad- visory boards and technical committee. Since 2007 - and after several years of being an assistant professor in applied physics at the University of Giessen - he was made head of the NDT Division 8.4 at the Federal Institute for Ma- terials Research and Testing in Berlin, focusing on acoustic, electromagne- tic and thermal testing methods. Meanwhile, Marc’s research fields include quality assurance of fibre-reinforced materials and lightweight components including hybrid materials and adhesive bonding. He is author and co-author of more than 300 publications. Marc Kreutzbruck Commission V: NDT and Quality Assurance of Welded Products
Geoff Melton Commission VIII: Health, Safety and Environment
Eur.-Ing. Geoff Melton (UK) is a Technology Manager at TWI Ltd Cambridge, UK. He has worked at TWI for nearly 20 years and prior to that was a princi- pal engineer at ESAB Group (UK) Ltd. Geoff’s area of expertise is arc welding processes and technology. He also leads TWI research on welding fume and other aspects of welding health and safety, including the effects of electro- magnetic fields on welders. As well as leading research projects in welding, automation and health and safety, Geoff supervises PhD students at the Na- tional Structural Integrity Research Centre (NSIRC) and is the programme manager for TWI’s core research in joining processes. He has a degree in physics and electronics and an MBA in Engineering Management. He is in- volved in a number of standardisation committees and is the chair of the CENELEC/TC 26 committee on electrical welding equipment.
Dr Huaping Xiong (P.R. China) has worked at Beijing Institute of Aeronauti- cal Materials (BIAM) since 1999 and is the director of the Welding and Plas- tic Forming Division. His current research activities include the joining of high-temperature structural materials and dissimilar materials, develop- ment of new brazing filler alloys, and developing novel materials via Additive Manufacturing. He holds 30 patents, and has published over 150 technical papers including two books in the area of welding and joining metallurgy. Huaping Xiong Commission XVII: Brazing, Soldering and Diffusion Bonding
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