IIW Circular n°2 FINAL
General Information
Welcome message
The Welding Society of Finland is honoured to have the opportunity to host the 68 th IIW Annual Assembly and the corresponding International Conference in the city centre of Helsinki, the capital of Finland. The two day International Conference will focus on the Challenges and Applications of High Strength Materials and will feature speakers from the international scientific community and from the industry. We, on behalf of the Welding Society of Finland and the city of Helsinki, “ The Pearl of the Baltic Sea ” are pleased to invite all delegates, experts and especially accompanying persons to join us during the week of 28 June to 3 July 2015. We trust that everyone will find the maritime city of Helsinki safe and easy to access and its people friendly and hospitable. For those who have never visited Helsinki before, the event offers a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience the amazing light summer nights of the Nordic countries. In addition to the technical meetings we have prepared for you a number of social events, sightseeing tours and technical visits. One of the main venues, Finlandia Hall, is one of the most iconic buildings designed by the world- renowned Finnish architect, Alvar Aalto. One of the sightseeing tours covers the home museum of the famous Finnish composer Jean Sibelius. Moreover, another tour covers the maritime fortress and UNESCO Word Heritage Site Suomenlinna in the archipelago of Helsinki. The technical visits will focus on the most advanced welding intensive metal industries and research units in Finland. The pre and the post tours to Tallinn and St. Petersburg offer you the possibility to enjoy the Nordic and Eastern culture even longer. On behalf of all the members of the Organising and Scientific Committees and of all the volunteers who assist us in this effort, we wish all the delegates, experts and accompanying persons a highly enjoyable and successful experience in Helsinki and the surrounding area.
The organisers have booked room quotas for IIW 2015 in the hotels on page 13. Special prices have been negotiated to guarantee the best possible rates for participants. NOTE! The lowest rates are guaranteed only until the Early Bird deadline on 30 April.
Congress Office
Registration, accommodation, tours, etc. Confedent International Ltd, Korkeavuorenkatu 30, 00180 Helsinki, FINLAND e-mail: IIW2015@confedent.fi
Congress Organiser General matters and sponsorship The Welding Society of Finland,
Mäkelänkatu 36 A 2, 00510 Helsinki, FINLAND e-mail: shy@co.inet.fi
Hotel Crowne Plaza Helsinki Mannerheimintie 50 00260 Helsinki, FINLAND Hotel Scandic Park Helsinki Mannerheimintie 46 00260 Helsinki, FINLAND
IIW Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception: Finlandia Hall Mannerheimintie 13 e 00100 Helsinki, FINLAND Finnish Evening: Hilton Helsinki Kalastajatorppa Kalastajatorpantie 1 00330 Helsinki, FINLAND
Ismo Meuronen Chair of the Organising Committee President The Welding Society of Finland
Jouko Lassila Secretary General IIW Director Executive Director The Welding Society of Finland
St. Petersb
Prof. Gary B. Marquis Chair of the Scientific Committee IIW President Dean of the School of Engineering Aalto University
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