IIW Circular n°2 FINAL
Friday, July 3 8.30 - 10.00 Parallel Sessions
Lunch 13:00 - 14.30 Parallel Sessions
Transportation industry applications B (Session 15) Prof Leif Karlsson . Strength and impact toughness of high strength steel weld metals - Influence of welding method, dilution and cooling rate Prof Huijun Li . Hydrogen management in high strength steel welds Mr Matteo Rossini . Resistance spot welding of advanced high strength steels for automotive car body components Mr Marcell Gaspar . Physical simulation aided process optimisation aimed sufficient HAZ toughness for quenched and tempered AHSS Laser hybrid welding (Session 16) Dr Yasuhito Takashima . Evaluation of Charpy impact toughness using side-grooved specimen for laser arc-hybrid welds of ultra high strength steel Prof Wang Chunming . A study of the droplet transfer behavior in narrow gap laser arc hybrid welding process. Dr Koutarou Inose . Toughness assessments of laser arc-hybrid welds of ultra high strength steel Mr Heikki Kasurinen . Properties of Laser + MAG- hybrid + MAG weld before and after hardening in an application of a remachined thick wall hollow tube Innovative joining methods for high strength materials B (Session 17) Mr Ramkishor Anant . Advance welding process and procedure for extra narrow gap dissimilar welding of thick section of austenitic stainless steel to HSLA steel Dr Yuri Kudryavtsev . Underwater Ultrasonic Peening (UUP) of Welded Elements and Structures Dr Vicente Afonso Ventrella . Welding characteristics of UNS S32750 super duplex stainless steel using a pulsed Nd:YAG laser beam Ms Beáta Šimeková . Influence of EBW Parameters on the Quality of SAF 2205 Duplex Steel Welds Afternoon Coffee and Poster session Transportation industry applications C (Session 18) Mr Marcell Gaspar . Behaviour of undermatched AHS steel welded joints under static and cyclic loading conditions Mr Guangzhong He . Research on application of friction stir welding Ms Hongxiao Wang . New application of lap laser welding on stainless steel railway vehicles Mr Xinmeng Zhang . Application of friction stir welding on aluminium alloy railway vehicles Energy industry applications B (Session 19) Dr Milo Dumovic . Effect of pre-heat temperature and alloy design on the structure of self-shielded arc weld deposits resistant to metal-to-metal wear Dr Bhaduri Arun Kumar . Effect of long-term post-weld heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of P91 weld metal Ms Samet Turkoglu . Temprature Reduction Embrittlement Affects Of Natural Gas On Underground Gas Storage Mr Pavel Layus . Thermal cyclic processing for improving low-temperature mechanical properties of welded joints Innovative joining methods for high strength materials C (Session 20) Dr Hong Luo . Automated Tubular TKY Weld Inspection using Phased Array Ultrasound: Modelling and Simulation Prof Jasha (Jacob) Kleiman . Ultrasonic Measurement of Residual Stresses in Welded Elements Prof Yoni Adonyi . Dissimilar Metal Friction Stir Welding Using Induction Heating Dr Pasquale Russo Spena . Friction stir welding of Al alloy and HSLA steel sheets for assembling automotive parts Closing
Shipbuilding (Session 9) Dr Yan Cai . A novel method to estimate the alignment of incident laser for I-core sandwich construction based on plasma plume and molten pool Mr Fabrice Chaussé . Full penetration hybrid laser-MAG welding of a thermomechanically rolled steel Dr Markku Pirinen . Narrow cap welding for high strength steels used in icebreakers Mr Kari Lahti . Productivity Aspects in Submerged Arc Welding of Thich High-Strength Steels Energy industry applications A (Session 10) Prof Karoly Jarmai . Optimization of welded stiffened plate structure for a fixed storage tank roof using high strength steels Ms Gonzalo Micó Montava . Design finalisation of the welded vacuum vessel for the MITICA experiment Dr Guillaume Tirand . Hot cracking sensitivity of nickel base alloys 152 evaluated with PVR test Prof Saida Kazuyoshi . Alloy Design of Triplex Stainless Steel Filler Metal for Ultra High-Strength Steel and Austenite Retention in Multipass Weld Metal Fatigue and fracture (Session 11) Mr Tuomas Skriko . Welding metallurgy and fusion line softening of direct quenched ultra-high-strength steel Prof János Lukács . Comparison of the fatigue properties of base materials and friction stir welded joints made of different aluminium alloys Mr Markus Ottersböck . Fatigue strength of welded ultra high-strength steel joints Dr Timo Nykänen . A new proposal for the assessment of fatigue strength of steel butt-welded joints improved by peening Morning Coffee Transportation industry applications A (Session 12) Mr Roger O’Brien . The development of an industrial robotic Low Stress No Distortion (LSND) welding system Mr Alessandro Weikelmann . Influences by adhesive on the shear clinching technology for joining ultra-high strength steel and aluminum Mr Fabian Schreyer . Finite element calculations of the resistance spot welding process of HCT980C with focus on modelling of microstructure and softening zone Dr Fang Li . A Study on Hot Stamping Steel Laser Welding by Variable of Al-Si Coating Layer Keyhole phenomena in laser welding (session 13) Dr Mikko Vänskä . Tracer material and flow patterns in the molten pool during keyhole welding of stainless steel Dr Shengyong Pang . Modulation of self-consistent keyhole and weld pool dynamics during laser welding of stainless steel by a magnetic field Innovative joining methods for high strength materials A (Session 14) Dr Miyano Yasuyuki . Effect of Welding Temperature on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded Joints of Middle Carbon Steel Mr Eric Martial Mvola Belinga . Dissimilar welding of high strength steels Mr Akira Terajima . Improvement of Welded Joint Strength of HSS Sheet by introducing High-Frequency Electrical Heating after Resistance Spot Welding Mr Valeryi Melyukov . Method of numerical evaluation of weld width Dr Jan Frostevarg . Dropout formation in thick steel plates during laser welding Mr Yuki Yajima . Modelling of Laser Welding Process Using Particle Method
10.30 - 12:00 Parallel Sessions
15:30 - 17:00 Parallel Sessions
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