IIW Annual Report 2019-20
A Network of Members Since its inception in 1948 the IIWhas played a central role in advancing welding and joining worldwide through its network of 53 Member Countries. While its Working Units (WUs) provide a forum for technical innovation and the International Authorisation Board supports an education, training, qualification and certification system, it is the IIW network of participants which holds the key to global dissemination and uptake of this knowledge. So, the General Assembly of IIW Member Societies plays an important role in the growth, relevance and responsiveness of the organisation. This year, in addition to the General Assembly, an Extraordinary General Assembly was called to consider the Board of Directors’ recommendations regarding the appointment of a Member Society to provide IIW General Secretariat services at the expiry of the current contract with the Institut de Soudure (France). The Assembly approved the appointment of the Istituto Italiano della Saldatura (IIS) Group (Italy) to this role for the five-year period 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2024. IIW President, Mr. Doug Luciani (Canada), commended the great work done by all IIW Members to approve the various changes needed to bring this transition smoothly into effect. Mr Luca Costa will take over as the CEO of the organisation, effective 01 January 2020 and Past President Prof. Gary Marquis has now taken the role of Treasurer formerly held by Mr Costa. Intermediate IIW meetings going forward will be held in Genoa, Italy starting IN January 2020. A presentation was made to thank Dr Cecile Mayer , as IIW CEO for the past 10 years, for her hard work, in particular the introduction of modern web-based communications linking all Member Societies and participants in IIW. The General Assembly approved Mr David Landon (USA) as President Elect and welcomed Mr Sorin Keller (Switzerland) as a Vice President. Outgoing Directors were thanked for their work, and Dr Roland Boecking (Germany) and Mr Stefano Pinca (Italy) were approved to join the Board. Other meetings through the week included the Board of Directors, Technical Management Board, Editorial Board, Working Groups including Regional Activities and Standardisation, and the Study Group Welding Research Strategy and Collaboration. Chairmanship of this group was passed from the long-serving Prof. Américo Scotti (Sweden) to Dr María Asunción Valiente Bermejo of Sweden’s University Väst. After one year of mentoring by former chair Dr Warren Miglietti (USA), Dr Huaping Xiong (P.R. China) was confirmed as Chair of C-XVII Brazing Soldering and Diffusion Bonding. This year’s meetings of the International Authorisation Board (IAB) and its two working groups - delivering globally harmonised personnel qualification and certification systems for personnel and companies - saw the issuing of a revised guideline in the area of Welding Inspection. The modular approach used in this guideline for Welding Inspection education. Networking Events Another aspect of the IIW Annual Assembly is the opportunity for people from around the world of welding to gather together socially to create and renew friendships and linkages which enhance professional communication. This year the traditional events, Opening Ceremony and Welcome Reception, Slovak Evening and Gala Banquet, were hosted by local television personality Ms Vera Wisterová who guided each evening with charm and vivacity. Delegates were welcomed on the opening Sunday evening by Mr Peter Durík , Chairman of the IIW 2019 Organising Committee, Mr Juraj Droba , Chairman of the Bratislava Self-Governing Region and Dr Ing. L’uboš Lopatka , VUZ Chairman of the Board of Directors, before IIW President Doug Luciani officially opened the Annual Assembly.
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