IIW 2019 Booklet of Awards

This booklet summarises all winners of

IIW AWARDS Honouring significant contributions to welding and joining technology and the International Institute of Welding 2019

Bratislava, Slovakia


Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Nitsche

Dr-Ing. Jonas Hensel

Mr Min-Chul Hong

Professor Emeritus Horst Cerjak

Dr JinSong Chen

Professor Leif Karlsson

Mrs Claudia Pavan

Professor Dr Carl E. Cross

Dr Hisaya Komen

Dr Richard Dolby

Mr David A. Fink

DrVahid A. Hosseini

Professor Américo Scotti

Mr Douglas Kautz

Professor David LeRoy Olson

Dr Kota Kadoi

Mr Ray Shook

The proximity of the famous Slovakian High Tatra Mountains is an appropriate reminder that, although some amongst us have reached the peak of their careers, many are still successfully traversing the lower slopes while others are making their first valiant attempts at the foothills. At this 72nd IIW Annual Assembly, hosted by the Slovakian Welding Research Institute, IIW Annual Awards acknowledge not only people with outstanding accomplishments or technical achievements, illustrious careers or long and meritorious ser- vice to the IIW around the world, but also encourage promising young professionals who are our future industry and Institute leaders. IIW is proud to promote and recognise distinction through its numerous prizes and awards, often sponsored by Member So-

cieties. Many are named to pay tribute to eminent individuals who were founding fathers of IIW or champions of its global role, or made significant contributions to the development and implementation of scientific and technical advances in welding and allied processes. It was the dedication and vision of these famous IIW persona- lities which set the stage for the organisation to be recognised today as the largest and most prestigious worldwide network for the exchange of knowledge and cooperation in a wide range of joining and related technologies. Our heartiest congratulations go to the 2019 IIW Annual Award winners whose achievements and professionalism, whether at the peak of the mountains or in the foothills, are outstanding examples of determination on the pathway to excellence.


OPENING CEREMONY IIW 72nd Annual Assembly, Bratislava, Slovakia Sunday 7 July 2019


2019 Awards for Career Achievements and Contributions to IIW / Pages 05 – 09 WALTER EDSTRÖM MEDAL, FELLOW OF IIW, ARTHUR SMITH AWARD, CHRIS SMALLBONE AWARD and THOMAS MEDAL



WALTER EDSTRÖM MEDAL Sponsored by the Swedish Delegation

Lauds an individual who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and contributions to the advancement of the IIW as an organisation.

Mr Min-Chul Hong (Republic of Korea), the Chairman of KISWEL, is an industry leader who has devoted himself to welding material manufacturing for approximately 40 years. Since 1979, he has frequently provided financial support for academic activities with par- ticular focus on encouraging the development of the domestic and international welding industries. Recognising the global importance of the IIW and its activities, he has made remarkable financial contributions to support IIWAnnual Assemblies and International Conferences in Korea, Finland, Australia, P.R. China and Indonesia for five consecutive years. In addition, through ongoing sponsorship he has ensured the regular participation of Korean represen- tatives in IIWWorking Units over a number of years. Min-Chul Hong continues to raise the international status of IIW by sponsoring and encouraging these activities.

FELLOW OF IIW Recognises individuals with a minimum of 10 years’ active participation in IIW who have made distinguished contributions to welding science and technology and promoted and sustained the professional stature of the field.

Professor Emeritus Horst Cerjak (Austria) received his Doctorate in Materials Science at the University of Mining and Metallurgy, Leoben, Austria in 1966. He was then employed at the SIEMENS AG /KWU Nuclear Power Plant Division, Erlangen, Germany until 1982, becoming the General Manager - Materials and Welding. In 1982 he became the full Pro- fessor and Director of the Institute for Materials Science andWelding at the Graz University of Technology, then Vice Rector Academics before retiring to an emeritus role in 2009. He has served as a member of the IIW Board of Directors and Vice-chair of Commission IX Behaviour of Metals Subjected to Welding and is recipient of numerous awards. Cerjak established the ‘International Seminar of Numerical Analysis of Weldability’ and organised the 61st IIW Annual Assembly in Graz. He is the author or editor of 350 publications and 14 books and currently consults in materials and welding for the hydro power industry.




Professor Dr Carl E. Cross (USA), a metallurgical engineer from the Colorado School of Mines, has over 40 years of welding research experience working in industry, academia and national laboratories. He has specialised in solidification defects and has been involved with many important welding issues: Al-Li development for the Space Shuttle (Martin Marietta Inc.), hyperbaric nitrogen pick-up in duplex stainless (Helmut Schmidt University), filler development for aluminium ferries (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), and ballistic properties for armoured vehicles (Montana Tech). As senior scientist at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Germany, he directed welding studies on the corrosion-fatigue analysis of magne- sium, role of hydrogen in titanium, grain refinement in aluminium, and modelling of solidification cracking. Currently he works at Los Alamos National Laboratory, developing a new process for braze-welding and working to eliminate weld porosity.

Dr Richard Dolby (United Kingdom) is an independent consultant metallurgist and a Distinguished Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge. He began his career at British Alcan and the General Electric Company, and in 1964 joined The Welding Insti- tute (British Welding Research Association). He was Director, Research and Technology from 1985 until his retirement in 2003. A past-President of the UK Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, he was elected a Fellow of the UK Royal Academy of Engineering in 1987 and awarded the Order of the British Empire in 2000 for services to research and technology transfer in materials joining. From 1979 he held various IIW posts, including Chair of Sub-Commission IXJ for 10 years, and Chair of the Study Group Welding Research Strategy and Collaboration for a similar period. He became Chair of the Technical Management Board in 2000 and was a Vice-President for 3 years until 2003.



Professor Leif Karlsson (Sweden) gained his PhD in material science in 1986. He held several research positions at ESAB AB from 1986 to 2013 and is currently Professor in Welding Technology at University West, Trollhättan. His research, aiming at fundamen- tal understanding of the relationships between weld metal composition, welding pro- cedure and weld metal microstructure and properties, has resulted in more than 250 scientific and technical papers in the areas of high strength steel weld metals, weld me- tals specially designed to improve fatigue resistance, duplex and superduplex stainless steel, supermartensitic, austenitic stainless weld metals and Ni-base weld metals. Karlsson’s research has contributed significantly to the building of knowledge that has been used to successively move towards development of more advanced products. He has been a major contributor to Commission IX Behaviour of Metals Subjected to Wel- ding throughout his working career, was chair of Sub-Commission IX-H for eight years and a member of the IIW Technical Management Board 2010-2013.

Professor Américo Scotti (Sweden) began his 38-year career in welding with an MSc in 1981 from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, followed by a PhD awarded in 1991 by Cranfield Institute of Technology, UK. He started teaching welding technology in 1982 and to date has published 132 papers in scientific journals, registered five patents and co-authored two books and two book chap- ters about welding. Scotti dedicated himself to establishing welding studies and research at the Federal Uni- versity of Uberlandia and founded the Center for Research and Development of Welding Processes, one of the largest welding facilities in Brazil, heading the group from 1992 to his early retirement in 2012. He is currently Professor of Welding Processes at University West, Sweden. He has been a member of the IIW Board of Directors, Technical Management Board and Editorial Board, Brazilian delegate to the International Authorisation Board and has chaired the Study Group Welding Research Strategy and Collaboration for two terms.



ARTHUR SMITH AWARD Sponsored by the United Kingdom Delegation

Conferred upon an individual who, over numerous years, has given dedicated service to the objectives of IIW, particularly in the work of the Commissions.

Dr Kota Kadoi (Japan) received his degrees in Materials Science and Engineering from Waseda University. He worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Science Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University from 2009 to 2016, and moved to the Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University in 2016 as an Associate Professor. His main research interest is metallurgical phenomena during welding, in particular the hot cracking behaviour and the microstructural evolution of dissimilar welding and laser welding. Kadoi has contributed significantly as an Expert in Commission IX Behaviour of Metals Subjected to Welding and participated in several other Working Units for the past ten years, with three papers published in Welding in the World. He has received awards from the Japan Welding Society and is a key person coordinating the welding community of young researchers in East Asia countries, such as P.R. China, R. Korea and Japan.

Conferred on an outstanding individual who has made a significant contribution to improving the global quality of life through optimum use and innovation of welding and joining technologies in their region or internationally. CHRIS SMALLBONE AWARD Sponsored by IIW Member Societies from Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Serbia

Mr Ray Shook (USA) joined the American Welding Society (AWS) in 2002 and occupied the Executive Director and CEO positions until his retirement at the end of 2017. During his tenure Shook was instrumental in the expansion of AWS international membership and the dissemination of information and knowledge to countries around the world. The acquisition of the Weldmex exhibition and partnership with FABTECH brought the latest welding technology to Mexico. The AWS expansion in P.R. China promoted by Shook saw many of the locally-used AWS codes, standards, and certification programmes translated into the local languages, thus spreading a wealth of welding technology and education into this region. In 2006, Shook led a team effort to partner with the Indian Institute of Welding, sharing technological advances in welding with a wide audience in India. He continues to be a strong supporter of not only IIW but many other regional and inter- national conferences, expositions and competitions.


THOMAS MEDAL Sponsored by the American Welding Society

Rewards an individual who has been involved in IIW/ISO international standards activities and can deliver a lecture on the incorporation of global studies into the standardisation for welding technologies.

Mr Douglas Kautz (USA) received his degrees in Metallurgical Engineering from the Co- lorado School of Mines. He has a long history working on standards in the United States and then providing input to similar international standards. He is active in four ISO/TC44 working groups through ANSI and AWS related commit- tees that comment for the United States on ISO standards. Kautz is also chair of the AWS Welding Handbook Committee and chairs committees for two volumes of the Materials Processing Handbooks, pertinent to the welding and metalworking industries. He is a member and past Chair of the AWS High Energy Beam Welding and Cutting Committee and currently serves on the subcommittees for electron beam and laser beam welding and cutting. As the US Delegate to Commission I Additive Manufacturing, Surfacing, Thermal Cutting and Allied Processes since 2009 and Chair since 2017, Kautz is now focusing on adop- tion of standards in the additive manufacturing industry.



YOSHIAKI ARATA AWARD Sponsored by the Japanese Delegation

To an individual whose outstanding achievements in fundamental research in welding-related science and technology have been recognised as significant contributions to the progress of welding engineering.

Professor Leif Karlsson (Sweden) gained his PhD in material science in 1986. He held several research positions at ESAB AB from 1986 to 2013 and is currently Professor in Welding Technology at University West, Trollhättan. His research, aiming at fundamental understanding of the relationships between weld metal composition, welding procedure and weld metal microstructure and properties, has resulted in more than 250 scientific and technical papers in the areas of high strength steel weld metals, weld metals specially designed to improve fatigue resistance, duplex and superduplex stainless steel, supermartensitic, austenitic stainless weld metals and Ni-base weld metals. Karlsson’s research has contributed significantly to the building of knowledge that has been used to successively move towards development of more advanced products. He has been a major contributor to Commission IX Behaviour of Metals Subjected to Welding throughout his working career, was chair of Sub-Commission IX-H for eight years and a member of the IIW Technical Management Board 2010-2013.

For significant contributions to science and technology through a lifetime dedication to applied research and development in the field of advanced technologies, materials and equipment for welding and allied processes. EVGENY PATON PRIZE Sponsored by the Ukrainian E.O. Paton Electric Welding Institute

Professor David LeRoy Olson (USA) received his PhD degree in Materials Science from Cornell University and performed postdoctoral studies at the Ohio State University. He has been a faculty member of the Colorado School of Mines from 1972 to present, was Lead Scientist in the Materials Science Program, and moved through the ranks of Assis- tant, Associate, Full and Distinguished Professor. He is still active there, with the title of University Emeritus Professor of Metallurgical Engineering. Olson has exercised his professional engineering capacity throughout his almost 50 year career by consulting with many industries, large and small, in long and short term col- laborations. He has consulted for the Los Alamos National Laboratory since 1983 and continues today. He has received 28 major international awards for his technical contributions to the welding, joining and manufacturing industries. For his great achievements in materials, Olson was awarded the honour of Foreign Member by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in April 2000.



HALIL KAYA GEDIK AWARD Sponsored by the Turkish Delegation

Recognises a scientist or engineer’s significant contributions to the advancement of welding science and technology. CATEGORY A – The Development of Consumables

Mr David A. Fink (USA) has worked actively in the welding industry for 48 years. He has a degree in chemical engineering and joined The Lincoln Electric Company in 1971, spending his career there in welding consumable design, testing and standards. Focus areas included flux cored and gas metal arc electrode design, welding procedure deve- lopment and consumable product certifications. He has been active in the work of numerous AWS Technical Committees for well over 40 years and has held many leadership positions including chair of the AWS Technical Activities Committee. As a vigorous proponent of international standardisation for many years, Fink has played an active role in US participation in the IIW since the 1980s, ser- ving as US Delegate to Commissions II and XII and current chair of Sub-commission II-E. He is also the US delegate to ISO/TC44/SC3 Filler Metals. Fink has been the recipient of numerous awards and has authored technical publications and holds several patents.

A research, industrial or academic best paper selected from amongst all papers published in six issues of The IIW flagship Welding in the World journal in 2018. WELDING IN THE WORLD 2018 BEST PAPER AWARD Sponsored by the IIW Dr Vahid A. Hosseini (Sweden), Prof. Leif Karlsson (Sweden), Dr Dirk Engelberg (United Kingdom), and Dr Sten Wessman (Sweden) ‘Time-temperature-precipitation and property diagrams for super duplex stainless steel weld metals’


Dr Vahid A. Hosseini (Sweden) received his BSc degree in Materials and Metallurgical Engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology in 2010 and his MSc degree in Materials Science - Welding Metallurgy from Sharif University of Technology in 2012. He then worked for three years in the power generation and steelmaking industries. In September 2018 he received his PhD degree in Production Technology - Welding Metal- lurgy of Duplex Stainless Steels under the supervision of Prof. Leif Karlsson from University West, Trollhättan, Sweden. His research focuses on processing-microstructure-properties relationships in welding, casting, ageing and additive manufacturing of ferrous and non- ferrous alloys.


HENRY GRANJON PRIZE Sponsored by the Institut de Soudure (French Welding Institute)

Rewards a young professional or student for their paper devoted to research into welding and related technologies.

CATEGORY A – Joining and Fabrication Technology

Dr JinSong Chen ‘Weld penetration dynamic evolution and control’

Dr JinSong Chen (USA) received his BSc degree from Harbin Institute of Technology, P.R. China, MSc and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from University of Kentucky, USA. His PhD research work was on real-time sensing and control of weld penetration. His current research interests include welding process control, sensor, robotics, machine vision/image processing, dynamic system modelling, and adaptive/predictive control of dynamic systems. He has authored and co-authored over 10 peer reviewed journal and conference papers in welding process, modelling and control. He holds two US patents. His works have been cited more than 220 times according to Google Scholar. He re- ceived the 2018 AWS A. F. Davis Silver Medal Award – Machine Design.

CATEGORY A – Joining and Fabrication Technology

Dr Hisaya Komen ‘Development of hybrid particle method for visualization of weld pool formation and slag formation processes in submerged arc welding’

Dr Hisaya Komen (Japan) graduated from Osaka University in 2019 and earned his PhD degree from the Division of Materials and Manufacturing Science. His PhD research included X-ray observation and direct observation of the submerged arc welding process, and numerical simulation of weld pool and slag formation processes in the welding pro- cess. He used a hybrid method combining discrete element methodology and smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Komen held the Research Fellowship for Young Scientists from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science from 2017 to 2019. He is currently wor- king as an Assistant Professor at Kumamoto University, Japan.




CATEGORY B – Materials Behaviour and Weldability Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Nitsche ‘Solidification phenomena in creep resistant 9Cr weld metals and their implications on mechanical properties’

Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Nitsche (Germany) studied Mechanical Engineering at Technische Universität (TU), Chemnitz in Germany with a focus on welding and manufacturing engi- neering. In 2012 began working as a researcher in Welding Engineering at the university and successfully completed his International Welding Engineer (IWE) qualification. His work mainly comprised the investigation of heat-resistant 9% Cr steels and their welding technology. In 2018, he successfully defended his doctoral thesis, which was supervised by Prof. Peter Mayr. Nitsche is continuing his research at TU Chemnitz on the develop- ment and optimisation of heat-resistant steels and welding consumables. In addition, he is also active in student education in the area of welding and joining.


CATEGORY C – Design and Structural Integrity Dir.-Ing. Jonas Hensel ‘Mean stress correction in fatigue design under consideration of welding residual stress’


Dr-Ing. Jonas Hensel (Germany) is the Welding Division Group Leader at the Institute for Joining and Welding, Technische Universität (TU) Braunschweig, Germany. His research into residual stress-related topics includes the problem of residual stress generation in welds and residual stress relaxation, with a focus on the fatigue relevance of weld quality and post-weld treatment methods. His research group focuses on different applications of arc, resistance as well as laser and electron beam welding processes. Hensel holds a diploma in Civil Engineering from TU Braunschweig, a Master’s degree in Ocean Engi- neering from the University of Rhode Island (USA) and is an IIW IWE. He received his PhD from the TU Braunschweig in 2017 focusing on residual stress affecting the fatigue strength of welded steels. Hensel has been an active member of Commission XIII Fatigue of Welded Components and Structures since 2012.


UGO GUERRERA PRIZE Sponsored by the Italian Institute of Welding

Recognises an individual or team responsible for fabrication of an outstanding recently completed welded construction from the viewpoints of design, materials or fabrication methods.

The Ugo Guerrera Prize 2019 is awarded to Mrs Claudia Pavan (Italy), Project Manager, and her team from Italian steel fabricator Cimolai SpA who were responsible for com- pleting the complex and unique welded structure of The Oculus, World Trade Center Transportation Hub, New York, USA. Pavan holds a degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Padova and achieved her Master degree in Design of Infrastructures at the University of Padua in 2004. She has worked with Cimolai since her graduation on a range of international construction projects, becoming a Project Manager in 2011.

The Oculus serves as the main entrance hall to the hub which provides intra-city and interstate transit services for more than 250,000 daily commuters, users and visitors. The bird-like design of the building required an extraordinary level of coordination, detailing, assembly and welding expertise. In addition to complex joints and welding details, the main challenge was to fabricate the elements within a tight tolerance. As most of the elements were three-dimensionally curved plate steel, a detailed study was performed to define the shapes and establish appropriate tolerances. The welding fabrication was completed with the highest level of commitment and quality.




IIW MISSION: To advance welding and joining through a worldwide network IIWVISION: The leading global community linking industry, research and education to the advancement of welding and joining for a safer and sustainable world


IIW headquarters: Paris Nord 2 - 90 rue des Vanesses - Villepinte BP 51362 - 95942 Roissy Charles de Gaulle Cedex – France Phone: +33 1 49 90 36 00 Email: iiw@iiwelding.org – Web: www.iiwelding.org


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