IIW 2018 Annual Report
Mr Douglas R. Luciani IIW President
This is my second Annual Report message as your President and when I look back over this last year it has been extremely busy for myself and your IIW Board of Directors with four Board meetings held since the very successful 71st Annual Assembly and International Conference in Bali, Indonesia. Speaking of success, at that event and a tribute to our Indonesian Member Society, the entertainment provided at the Annual Assembly Gala Banquet was not only a highlight but I know will be remembe- red by all of us for many years to come. IIW Operational Plan and IIW Marketing and Communication Plan As you know, at that Annual Assembly in Bali last July, the General Assembly approved the new 5 year IIW Strategic Plan. Since then the IIW Board has developed a new IIW Operational Plan that outlines the specific actions required to allow us to successfully execute the new Strategic Plan. In addition, we have also developed a new IIW Marketing and Communications Plan which is one of the actions required to be developed in the new Operational Plan and an area that was a key area of improvement for the IIW noted in the IIW member stakeholder surveys conducted back in late 2017 and early 2018. Similarly to successful webinars held last year on the Strategic Plan, several one hour webinars will be held just prior to the Annual Assembly in Bratislava, Slovakia to ensure all IIW members have the opportunity to see first-hand the contents of both of these plans and ask any questions they may have. IIW General Secretariat Services To effectively implement all the actions from the Operational Plan above, a critical enabler to ensure the successful implementation of the new strategy will be the IIW General Secretariat. As such, short- ly after the Bali Annual Assembly and consistent with what was approved by the General Assembly and its Constitution/By Laws, the IIW issued a call for tender to all IIW Member Societies for hosting the IIW General Secretariat and providing services for an initial period of five years beginning January 1, 2020. The scope of services was defined in a call for tender document. The document outlined numerous required services excluding the work of a CEO but it also allowed a host organisation to propose IIW services exceeding those described in the document. In response to this call, the IIW Board of Directors received several expressions of interest with various options and I would like thank all IIW Member Societies for their consideration of these services. Additionally, the IIW Board defined the responsibilities, competences and background of what was believed would be a successful IIW CEO. The job posting for the IIW CEO went out in April and was distributed to all IIWMember Societies to allow them to distribute it as widely as possible. In response to this posting, we received many excellent resumes from all over the world. Interviews were held in May with a short listed group of those candidates and I would like to thank all of the individuals who took the time to apply for this exciting position. After significant due diligence and review in this area by the IIW Board of Directors their recommen- dation will be brought forward to the 2019 General Assembly on July 7 in Bratislava, Slovakia and I hope that all Member Societies will participate in this crucial decision that will define the direction of the IIW for many years to come. Although much work has been done in those areas outlined above, many other initiatives are being worked on at the IIW Board level including the renewal of the International Authorisation Board (IAB) Secretariat and an agreement with the European Welding Federation (EWF). As always, more infor- mation will be provided as work continues in these areas also. As I mentioned in my message to you last year, the IIW relies on the passion, commitment, coope- ration and competence of all of you and I continue to be thankful for all the work that you do for the IIW each and every day. The changes that we have started will ensure the IIW is the leading global community that links industry, research and education for the advancement of welding and joining for a safer and sustainable world. I look forward to seeing you all in beautiful and historic Bratislava, Slovakia. Mr Douglas R. LUCIANI President
cile MAYER Executive Officer
Mr Douglas R. Luciani President, International Institute of Welding (2017-2020), Toronto, Canada
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