IIW 2016 Annual Report
Prof. Gary Marquis IIW President
My three-year term as President of the IIW is now drawing to an end. It has been a great privilege to serve this association comprising such dedicated and highly professional experts. The success of the IIW is built upon the foundations of commitment, cooperation and competence. I wish to express my deepest thanks to the hundreds of individuals and organisations around the world who are dedicated to advancing the science and technology of materials joining and to transferring this knowledge in order to enable sustainable development in all nations. The 69 th Annual Assembly and International Conference in Melbourne was a great success. Over 700 people from 48 countries, including many spouses, had the opportunity to renew friendships, form new acquaintances and enjoy the relaxed hospitality of Australia. More than 500 experts contributed to our many technical working units. It was also a pleasure to see that more than 100 young profes- sionals participated in two separate events during the Annual Assembly week. In recent years, the IIW has devoted significant attention to its International Authorisation Board (IAB) activities. A strong education, training, qualification and certification system, which also repre- sents the global best practices, is the best means for encouraging worldwide economic development, while simultaneously enhancing public safety. Numerous IIW IAB rules and operating procedures were revised with respect to compliance with international competition legislation. Additionally, steps towards developing a welding inspector certification scheme have been initiated. As we begin to consider what the IIW will be in the years beyond 2020, the IIW Board of Directors launched a review and update of the association’s strategy and business plan. This includes an assessment of the: • IIW mission, goals and stakeholder needs • existing organisation structure including Technical Management Board (TMB) units and sub-units • long-term financial planning and risk management strategy The Board of Directors also continues to improve its understanding and application of good governance principles for a global non-for-profit organisation. This includes updated terms of reference for several IIW units and the introduction of a code of conduct. Collaboration between the IIW and Springer-Nature continues to prosper. In addition to publishing our flagship journal, Welding in the World: The International Journal of Materials Joining , three other IIW books were published during 2016. In addition to increased visibility, income from this cooperation was greater than expected for 2016. The IIW also signed an MOU with the European Welding Association to jointly promote health and safety in welding and we will soon sign an MOU with the International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing which recognises our joint objectives of advancing the highest standards of NDT in welding for the benefit of all. I hope to be able to meet many of you at the upcoming 70 th Annual Assembly and International Conference in Shanghai and at other IIW events in 2017. Prof. Gary Marquis President, International Institute of Welding (2014-2017) Helsinki, Finland
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